Learn all about the power of breathwork and why it is one of the most potent tools to combat stress and anxiety, with a plethora of health benefits, including nervous system regulation, endocrine system health, and emotional resilience.
Most of us avoid or deny reality or a problem on occasion, but that denial carries significant consequences the longer it goes on.
Much of self-help conditions you to ask questions of yourself that will only ever enhance the problem you face. You can start by breaking the pattern here.
Panic attacks can be relentless. They can destroy your entire world. Fortunately, a full recovery is possible. This article will provide you with a framework to help you put an end to them for good.
The holidays can be challenging for many reasons. That’s not to say you can’t find light amidst the darkness.
Many variables contribute to stress and anxiety, often working on a cause-and-effect basis resulting in a vicious cycle. This article reveals how to use cause-and-effect to your advantage to ensure you get the upper hand.
Many of our choices harm us — both consciously and unconsciously, made day in and day out. This one question has the potential to change your course.
If you're currently unhappy, it might be time to ask yourself if you've been going about the wrong wall all along?
Complex Psychological Trauma is massively misunderstood and — unfortunately — goes largely undiagnosed with catastrophic consequences. This article looks at what it is and, most importantly, how you can treat it.
The older you get, the more you release how little you know. Ain’t that bitch. Here are 40 life lessons and observations from 40 years of life.
What if anxiety itself had a nemesis operating in the unconscious, preventing you from taking the necessary steps required to find the relief you both deserve and desire?
What grand — overwhelming — goal could you break down to micro-goals, and set off to achieve and start making progress with your mental health today?
In a world becoming more disconnected and loneliness a real problem, here are 12 things you could to help combat loneliness and get the creative juices flowing for the next time your feeling blue.
In this short article, we explore whether too much self-help is bad for your mental health? And — unsurprisingly — conclude that it likely is.
In this article, we introduce the concept of Nudge Theory from behavioral economics and present an exercise to help you change behaviors that may be contributing to anxiety.
This post is a bunch of words: Words that accelerate recovery. Words that hinder recovery. Words that are obstacles. Words that are inevitable. It’s all words. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Shame is extremely common. So too is anxiety and depression. Yet we still carry great shame that will only ever enrage it.
Often overlooked, resentment plays a massive role in anxiety and mental health. The cost of ignoring it can be catastrophic. Therefore, you must learn to confront, forgive, and let it go.
A lot of great things can happen when you begin to trust yourself and prioritise your mental health and anxiety recovery.
Maybe one of the greatest problems we face with anxiety recovery is so many people claim to have a definitive cure that works for all. The reality is a little more complicated.
For the vast majority, New Year's resolutions don't work. Fortunately, accountability buddies do work. Astonishingly well.
With 2020 finally coming to an end, it's time to set your sights on 2021 and create a plan to best look after your mental health.
I interviewed 24 experts for the anxiety support summit and asked them each for their top three tips to help with anxiety. Here's what they said.
In this article, we put acceptance under the microscope and offer a two-step powerful solution to help disarm your anxiety.
Blue Zones are rare longevity hotspots where people are thriving into their 100s, living healthier and happier than anywhere else on Earth. What’s their secret?
Part two of a two-part article. With mental health taking a beating worldwide, these books can help inspire you to find both the courage and strength to take action and claim your life back.
While most of us don't have monk-like discipline, it doesn't mean we can't learn from them. Here are some simple Zen tips for greater peace of mind.
Bad habits over time wreak havoc on our health. Fortunately, the opposite is true for good habits. And they stack up to provide amazing health benefits.
With mental health taking a beating worldwide, these books can help inspire you to find both the courage and strength to take action and claim your life back.
While setbacks suck. How much so depends entirely on us and how we respond to them. This article looks at both a positive and negative response.
Often with anxiety, people lack patience, and try too hard, which only makes things worse. By slowing down, you can massively speed up your recovery.
In this article, we examine our fundamental need to feel important or significant and how not meeting this need can negatively impact mental health.
The Social Dilemma highlights all the ways social media is designed to hack our psychology. In this article, we look at how it can take from our happiness and what one can do to fight back.
It’s impossible to navigate life without running into assholes. Therefore, the better equipped you are to deal with assholes, the better your life will be. This is your ultimate guide to make sure of it.
Depression can be as relentless as it is brutal. This article offers up eight simple tips that don’t cost a penny to help alleviate depression today.
Diving into the topic of personality traits, the Big-Five Model, our desire to change, and how best to accomplish that change.
Are you experiencing an anxiety identity crisis? Anxiety has a habit of becoming so deeply ingrained in one's DNA that it becomes their identity. The consequences of which can be catastrophic.
Kaizen is the Japanese word for improvement. Kaizen focuses on consistent gradual improvement leading to radical results over time.
Crisis or not, how you react to it is entirely up to you. Is this coronavirus the wake-up call you've been looking for?
At best, social anxiety is a royal pain in the ass. At worst, it destroys lives. Like, really destroys them. And as with everything, it lives on a spectrum. Here is how you can begin to defeat it today.
In the eye of the storm, all rational thinking can go out the window. Here are some tips to help manage the looming anxiety and panic surrounding Coronavirus.
On Feb 22nd, 2018, Kylie Jenner tweeted;
“Sooo does anyone else not open Snapchat anymore? Or is it just me... ugh this is so sad.”
By removing your focus from anxiety, you can hone in on the underlying problem driving it, and finally, make real change in your life.
Judgment is normal. But are we judging too much? And is this judgment diminishing the quality of love in your heart?
A bad routine can break us, while a good routine can make us. Here, we look at how to develop the latter. For you. And nobody else.
The Australian wildfires offer the perfect metaphor for how we deal with problems in this world: Wait till it's too late.
Sometimes, the very best decision one can make is to put aside their ego, dig deep, and find the courage to quit and move on with something better in life.
Forget it's a New Year, it’s a new decade. And for those who thought the last one was a complete shit show—it’s a shot at redemption.
Christmas can often bring heightened levels of anxiety or depression compounded by both internal and external expectations to say yes to everything when all you want to do is say no, run, and hide. Here are some tips to greatly reduce anxiety and depression levels around the holidays.
By understanding the decision making process and psychology behind it, we can make better, more informed decisions that lead to far less stress in our lives.
Bullshit is — and always will be — all around us. But it's on the rise. And thanks to the Internet and Social Media, the bullshit we're exposed to has become more extravagant than ever.
With anxiety, depression, and other stress-related conditions continuing to rise, here are some practical tips to help reduce your stress levels today for a better life.
With online vulnerability often being used and promoted as a commodity, the consequences can be severe to those being influenced and told to expose all.
Entrepreneurship is glorified beyond reality. Ask these four questions of yourself to help decide whether the uncertainty that comes with the territory is right for you.
Life can easily become overwhelming and shoot us into a vicious cycle of stress. When we are there, it can be hard to escape and see things for what they are. As opposed to worse than what they are. Perspective is a skill that can completely change how you view your world.
With more and more research highlighting the benefits of psychedelics and plant medicines for healing anxiety and depression, I decided it was time for me to experience ayahuasca for myself.
This is not a philosophical post on the meaning of life and how to not fuck it up.. However, I will highlight one major problem most encounter with a few thoughts on how to counter it.
Positive psychology would lead you to believe everything should be easy and joyful and anyone can achieve anything. But why then are more people succumbing to burnout, stress, anxiety, and depression? Is it because we want to avoid the truth and the real challenges within this work?
Some of the happiest people I know happen to work for someone else. They have a job they don’t necessarily love, but they certainly don’t hate. It challenges them enough, but not too much that it surpasses their stress threshold. There are few assholes in their life, and while they might not own a superyacht, they earn more than enough to not deal with the significant emotional stress that comes with a lack of finances.
Supporting your child through anxiety or depression can be a daunting and equally terrifying challenge for any parent. This guide will make your life and the job a lot easier.
Self-help would lead you to believe you have to continuously be acquiring knowledge to better yourself. But does this help us resolve our health? Unlikely.
A trip to Singapore where we opted to not be connected to our phones opened our eyes to what it was like to feel truly present and alive without distraction.
With many reports on the negative impact of social media — particularly. Instagram — on mental health, I decided to ditch it for 30 days to see the impact it would have in my life.
Anxiety can be extremely debilitating. This article shares 11 simple tips anyone can master to help reduce anxiety in your life today.
Depression and anxiety distorts cognition and gives people much more negative views that are warranted about themselves, other people, the world, and the future. You learn helplessness. But what if you could turn it into hope?
By trying to deny your anxiety, you only stand to make it worse. However, when you begin to accept it and work with it, life gets far more comfortable and easier. Let’s discuss.
Life is supposed to be fun. Why is it when stress or anxiety hits, we forget this all-important lesson?
How we choose to react to turbulence in life will be the deciding factor in whether we navigate safely through it or not.
Becoming fixated on the destination is a surefire way to increase stress and anxiety while reducing the likelihood of ever reaching your destination.
Passion is a buzzword plastered everything claiming to be the answer to everything. But is passion isn’t the answer?
The more fixated we become on our anxiety, the more likely we are to remain trapped by it. For real freedom, you must begin to look beyond it.
The coke is only pure in Colombia. By the time it crosses borders and oceans—it’s expensive. And shit. Or so I’ve been told…
Personal development can be great. But there is a far more sinister side to it that too many choose to ignore, resulting in greater levels of anxiety, depression, and despair.
Sometimes the grass is greener. Sometimes it is not. Becoming a digital nomad to travel and work doesn't necessarily mean leaving your problems behind.
Become an entrepreneur isn’t for everybody. It also doesn’t come with any guarantees for success. In fact, it can bring with it a lot of failures, anxiety, and depression.
The internet creates absurd expectations are anxiety that only ever lead to disappointment. When you better manage your expectations, everything gets better.
A practical guide for attracting positive fuckers into your life: The more we remove negative fuckers from our life, the more space we have for positive fuckers leading to less stress and greater happiness.
14 years ago I stepped off a plane in Bangkok. It was my first taste of Asia. At 6 am, we arrived on the Khao San Rd with our jaws on the floor in disbelief at all the ladyboys laughing and calling after us as the sun began to rise over the infamous road.
Success is an interesting topic with many facets to it, so I posed the question to the community to get a better understanding of how others define success in their lives with some interesting results.
I’ll never forget my first Tinder date way back when it was Plenty of Fish. After a little back and forth, it was time to take my online credibility offline to see if I could replicate a spark in the real world, which I can confirm — I fucking could not!
If you ask me, there’s no greater gift than the gift of belief. Here are some musings on that all-important gift, whether you get it from yourself or someone else.
Perfectionism is a great problem many people face and struggle to deal with, causing great stress and anxiety. Here are some tips to better manage it and let go of the need to be perfect.
With burnout on the rise, here are some great tips to help reduce stress and better manage both your emotional and physical wellbeing.
The time has come to step into the confession box and cleanse my soul of a few of my sins. This is my first confession.
Travel is truly a gift you can give yourself. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made was to travel, to explore, and to seek out the beauty this world has to offer.
Loneliness is on the rise. And it is detrimental to one's wellbeing, happiness, and mental health. Here we present some tips to ensure you find more connection in your life today.
With work anxiety on the rise, many suffer immensely for years or their entire lives as a result. Maybe shock therapy is the answer for you?
While the goal in itself is often irrelevant, the accomplishment of that goal can mean absolutely everything for growth and success.
The more we live and do, the more likely we are to be hit with nostalgia and the paradox of choice. A price to pay for pursuing your best life.
One primary state drives our procrastination. Once we know this, it's easy to overcome it, while reducing stress and boosting productivity in the process.
According to Adam Atler, author of Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked, the majority of us spend 4 hours a day on our smartphones. What are the implications of this?
With burnout in the workplace becoming more prevalent, here are some tips to help better manage your mental health and reduce the likelihood of burnout.
This article addresses the silent battle many men are having with their mental health — both depression and anxiety — while offering some tips to help alleviate suffering.
By using these simple tips, you can optimize your workday for maximum productivity and minimum stress.
Monday, your first day of the week, should never be the one you dread the most. Let's mix it up.
Life-changing shit we are discussing here as we look at gratitude and its importance in the fight against anxiety and stress for improved mental health and a better outlook.
An excerpt from my book, “The 7 Deadly Sins of the Anxious Mind & How To Remedy Them” to help better manage anxiety and panic attacks.
Life lessons from over a decade spent in the trenches of anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.
Work anxiety can be extremely debilitating. Here, we look at your three options when faced with crippling anxiety at work.
The sooner we accept life is uncomfortable and lean into that discomfort, the sooner we will achieve true comfort. This is the comfort zone deception.
How why when you stop focussing on and chasing happiness, you inevitably become happier.
In this day and age, is it time to put an end to the 40-hour workweek and live a little more?
Is it our pursuit of happiness that inevitably leads to greater unhappiness as well as increasing numbers of anxiety and stress?
In a capitalist world fuelled by consumerism, we take a look at the darker side and how it can contribute to increased anxiety and poor mental health.
Examining the role of ego and the negative impact it has on our mindset, leading to greater levels of anxiety.
Anyone struggling with anxiety or panic attacks stand to gain a whole of positivity and stress relief from taking up a regular yoga practice.
According to Forbes, only 8% of us succeed with our New Year's resolutions. That’s shit. Why not take on The Bucket List Challenge and have a little fun instead?
This article takes a look at the darker side of self-help and how, when dealing with an anxiety disorder, it can often make your situation notably worse.
A teaser from an upcoming book documenting over a decade of crippling anxiety and panic attacks.
This article takes you on a journey of discovery, revealing vital steps to help eliminate stress, optimise mental health and set yourself up for lasting happiness.