A Lesson from the Australian Wildfires

The Australian wildfires offer the perfect metaphor for how we deal with problems in this world: Wait till it's too late.

The fires started with a spark...

Then they began to spread. Following that, they roared. And when they got completely out of control, a crisis was declared, and everyone piped up.

... Too late.

There's an alarming trend with how we deal with problems — both on a personal and a global level.

Instead of acting decisively and having the foresight to see just how much devastation lays ahead, we sit back, wait, and watch the devastation unfold...

... Because we love to flirt with danger.

What happened in Australia is heartbreaking...

Can you imagine having to sit back and watch everything you know and own burn to ashes?

The devastation in the wake of those fires is incomprehensible.

Could it have been avoided?

I have no clue, but I'll bet if the Australian government acted decisively when the first flames roared, much of the carnage and destruction could have been prevented.

It's not like lightning struck for the first time!

The same goes for anxiety and depression and personal problems in our own worlds...

On average, it can take up to ten years for an individual to seek help.

Imagine the damage done in those years that now needs to be undone?

Imagine how different life would be if action was taken when the problem was identified?

Imagine how different life can be in the future if you took action today?

I know there are stigmas and all that making it more difficult, but they exist, and they will continue to exist. They're not worth ten or more years of life.

- Prevention is — and always will be — the best cure.

- Acting decisively when shit hits the fan is a close second.

- Waiting in the hope that the flame will just burn out and order will be restored is self-inflicted torture.

If you're reading this and you're struggling with anxiety, and you don't know what to, check out the Free Your Mind from Anxiety program.

It will show you exactly what to do, and how to do it. As well as support you on your journey.

Imagine just how significant an impact that action alone can have on your life tomorrow?