How To Eliminate Anxiety & Panic Attacks
Talk about your worst nightmare: On an individual level, anxiety and panic attacks seem to cause far more destruction and chaos than the Taliban. And that’s devastating. I'm not in the least bit surprised to learn anxiety is linked to increased mortality rates, and those suffering are more prone to cancers, heart disease, depression, and suicide. And they're common. They don't discriminate. Yet, we still try to conceal them, opting to walk around with overwhelming shame and guilt, which only stands to make things worse. Way worse.
The aftershock of just one panic attack can carry on for weeks, months, years, and sometimes a lifetime. Kim Bassinger is said to have stayed home for six months crying after her first panic attack.
It doesn't matter if you're a novice or a rookie—when panic attacks, all rationale goes out the window, and it's…
“ Can someone, anyone, please call an ambulance because this time—I shit you not—I’m actually having a heart attack. And quite possibly a stroke! ”
I've lost count of the number of trips to the Doc I made convinced I was dying only to be told my vitals were fine. It's almost comical how terrifying it is when you think about it rationally. Sure, I can laugh now. But I can assure you I wasn't laughing then.
My left arm was constantly numb (that's a heart attack, yo! Google will confirm it), my chest felt like The Earthquake was sitting on it, and I'd often have to wrap something around my head because I was convinced my skull might crack.
Have you experienced something similar? Is this going on in your life right now?
If so, it's time to take action. Because these motherfuckers won't just go away—they'll get worse. You've got to take action.
Even if you've tried and failed to date, you've got to find the strength and the energy to look elsewhere and try something else. Because when you choose the right action, you can look forward to a future where you're not walking around on eggshells dreading every minute or every day.
With an anxiety disorder—once acknowledged and accepted—you can take steps to improve your situation drastically. The even better news is that it is entirely feasible to put an end to panic attacks altogether. Relatively quickly.
What kind of impact do you think that would have on your life?
As with everything, there are terms and conditions. You've got to read the small print. You must understand while panic attacks are not uncommon, your story is not someone else's. There are varying degrees and circumstances unique to each individual, so you must keep your expectations in check and not buy into some clickbait bullshit on the internet.
The problem with panic and anxiety is that our instinct to fight, deny, and suppress it is so deeply ingrained within our DNA that we end up facilitating even more chaos and destruction. The ego doesn't help either, and instead of intervening at stage one, we intervene at stage four or five, making things significantly worse.
If you've been struggling with panic attacks for ten years, don't expect the bastards to pack up and fuck off without putting up a fight. However, it's a battle you can win—as long as you fight smart.
Here are five tips to help you put an end to your panic attacks once and for all:
Talk to someone
You'll come up with a million excuses not to get help or talk to someone. I'm not writing this to help you feel justified in them. I think you're a lunatic if you're going to try and resolve this one on your own.
You might have people in your life that don't help. They might even make it worse. And they might also be family and loved ones who desperately want to help but don't know-how. Or they might be assholes. Don't let that be a reason for you not helping yourself.
Talk to someone who knows what a panic attack actually is, someone who knows how to ask the right questions so they can tell you exactly what you need to do to put an end to them once and for all.
I don't say this lightly; however, it is likely the most significant investment you'll ever make. When you get this sorted, everything in life will be better. You'll actually have a life again.
2. Listen
There is a chance you can do this on your own. And for that, you're going to have to listen.
There is a reason it's called a panic attack: It is raising an alarm that all is not ok. Your best bet is to listen. And take ACTION. My guess is you have an idea as to why this is happening, but you're procrastinating waiting for a miracle. Or a time machine?
Dear lord, please take me back to an easier time.
Your gut and intuition are probably right. However, your fear and reluctance to take action will do their best to condemn you to more torture. A moment of tremendous courage can completely change your life.
Working for some asshole who bullies you and makes you feel like a piece of shit?
Go out, get a new job, tell that prick to piss off, and quit. Maybe don’t approach that literally.
In a shitty relationship with someone who apparently loves you yet abuses you?
I could write a thesis on this one. Here's my conclusion: they don't deserve to have you in their life. Leave them.
There are a million reasons this might be happening. There's a solution to EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM. Pay attention, and you shall find it.
3. Breathe
My life felt like a game Buzzwire or Operation. One wrong move would set off the panic alarm. It was a full-blown military operation trying to contain them. And not a successful one.
That is until I tried yoga.
Yoga might have saved my life because it introduced me to a foreign concept known as breathing.
I still remember the first time I avoided a panic attack in a crowd by simply remembering to breathe. I nearly pissed myself I was so happy.
Yes, when you start, you will most likely feel extremely uncomfortable. That's to be expected, considering you are facing everything you have tried to ignore. Now you've got to face it. Or don't. But the latter is more painful. The former will change your life.
Try starting with Headspace, Calm, or any number of apps designed to help you chill out. But don't expect miracles. They'll creep up on you as long as you're patient and committed.
4. Make a decision
When you listen and pay attention, you'll be faced with a decision. One decision—no matter how terrifying—can disarm your panic attacks. Your indecision will give rise to a hell of a lot more.
Here's a sample case study:
There once was a girl who was miserable in a shitty relationship with a shitty job. Her anxiety was in the red, and she regularly had panic attacks. She tried everything, but nothing seemed to help. That is until one day when she mustered up the courage to quit her job and end her relationship. She gave up on the scenic route and went for the jugular. The girls got balls. She lived happily ever after.
Decisions are tough. But nowhere near as tough or detrimental as opting for torture by not deciding in the first place.
Let's break it down: What's wrong in your life, and how do you fix it? Break it down into manageable steps and get started today.
If you don't know how or where to start, ask someone who can support you. Or book a free discovery call with me here.
5. Slow down
Everywhere you look, people are going to make you feel like shit for not accomplishing more and working harder. Nothing will ever be enough because you're constantly in comparison mode. You are allowing those people to take up space and occupy your mind without paying you a dime in rent.
You have to permit yourself to slow down because society won't do it for you.
Social Media is nothing but a bragging forum for personal achievement and subliminal messages delivered by the self-righteous (not all), which will leave you convinced the solution is to achieve more.
And maybe they're right? Maybe achieving more is what you need in the long run, but you've got to take care of yourself and honor the fact that you are sick in the short term. And you need to get better.
Right now, we see unprecedented levels of stress-related diseases. When you're paddling upstream, you're never going to catch someone paddling downstream. So stop focussing on them.
If you need to go on disability to get your shit sorted—go on disability. If you need to take a year's break from life—take a break.
This is the world we live in: Some people need to go fast. Some people promote fast. Some say you don't have time for patience in this hectic world if you want to get to where you want to go. Maybe so. But they are not living with a disability. You are. It's high time you acknowledge that.
If Usain Bolt broke his leg, do you think he'd be out on the track? Course not.
Panic attacks are severe. They ruin lives. It does not have to be that way, but you cannot just ignore them. If you take them seriously and heed their lesson, there is no reason why you can't say sayonara. Surely that's a goal worth pursuing?
Please Note: This is a blog post. I have no idea what your circumstances are. I just know you need to do something different if this is the reality you are living. Things won't just change unless you make them change. The sooner you do it, the easier everything will be.
And when you do have a panic attack? Well, shit happens. Beating yourself up will only increase the likelihood of you having another. Get rest. Breathe deep. And indulge in whatever self-care you need to feel better.
Over. And out.